【Now新聞台】Tickets for high-speed overnight sleeper trains from Hong Kong to the mainland begin on sale today.
【Now新聞台】The Executive Council approves a uniform 3 percent pay rise for civil servants.
【Now新聞台】The Executive Council approves a uniform 3 percent pay rise for civil servants.
【Now新聞台】Hong Kong launches a campaign to promote hospitality.
【Now新聞台】Hong Kong launches a campaign to promote hospitality.
【Now新聞台】Executive councillor accuses foreign media of misunderstanding subversion verdicts.
【Now新聞台】Executive councillor accuses foreign media of misunderstanding subversion verdicts.
【Now新聞台】A C919 aircraft makes its first cross-border commercial flight as it returns to Hong Kong.
【Now新聞台】The top stories of this week include:
【Now新聞台】In this weeks episode of the Weekly ReViu, reporter Kat Zhang talks to current affairs commentator Cheung Siu-wai.
【Now新聞台】A C919 aircraft makes its first cross-border commercial flight as it returns to Hong Kong.
【Now新聞台】Strong wind signal No.3 now in force as tropical cyclone Maliksi edges closer.
【Now新聞台】Strong wind signal No. 3 now in force as Tropical Storm Maliksi edges closer.
【Now新聞台】The court finds 14 people guilty in a landmark national security case, while two are acquitted.
【Now新聞台】The court finds 14 people guilty in a landmark national security case, while two are acquitted.
【Now新聞台】ICAC arrests 12 people, including players and coaches of local football teams, over match fixing.
【Now新聞台】A study finds that Macao has become the most satisfactory destination for mainland tourists.
【Now新聞台】The police arrest six people on suspicion of violating the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance.
【Now新聞台】The environment chief says the government is not giving up on the waste charging scheme.
【Now新聞台】The government puts the municipal waste charging scheme on indefinite pause.
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