【Now新聞台】Chief Executive John Lee says two giant pandas aged five to eight have been chosen to come to Hong Kong.
【Now新聞台】The government proposes a 10 percent rent hike for public housing.
【Now新聞台】The government proposes a 10 percent rent hike for public housing.
【Now新聞台】Two visually impaired passengers complain of being forced off HK Express plane.
【Now新聞台】Two visually impaired passengers complain of being forced off HK Express plane.
【Now新聞台】28 Hong Kong students get perfect scores in this year's IB exams.
【Now新聞台】28 Hong Kong students get perfect scores in this years IB exams.
【Now新聞台】The top stories of this week include:
【Now新聞台】In this weeks episode of the Weekly ReViu, reporter Tracy Leung talks to economist Gary Ng about the retail sales fall in May.
【Now新聞台】Britains Labour Party wins landslide victory after 14 years in opposition.
【Now新聞台】Britain's Labour Party wins landslide victory after 14 years in opposition.
【Now新聞台】Police rescue kidnapped boy and arrest two women in Tseung Kwan O.
【Now新聞台】Police rescue kidnapped boy and arrest two women in Tseung Kwan O.
【Now新聞台】The Legislative Council passes bill to reform the Social Workers Registration Board.
【Now新聞台】The government approves three visas under the new investment scheme.
【Now新聞台】The chief executive calls the mainland travel permits for non-Chinese permanent residents "a policy breakthrough".
【Now新聞台】The chief executive calls the mainland travel permits for non-Chinese permanent residents "a policy breakthrough".
【Now新聞台】Hong Kong marks the 27th anniversary of its return to Chinese rule.
【Now新聞台】Hong Kong marks the 27th anniversary of its return to Chinese rule.
【Now新聞台】The new transport link connecting Shenzhen and Zhongshan opens to traffic.
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