【招聘啟事】Junior Graphic Designer / Graphic Designer

【招聘啟事】Junior Graphic Designer / Graphic Designer


Junior Graphic Designer / Graphic Designer

Your New Role:

- Responsible for designing and creating news graphics and motion graphics for Now News / Business News Channels

What makes you succeed:

- Degree or diploma holder in Multi-media or Graphic Design

- 2 years’ relevant experience in media industry specializes in Graphic Creation

- Extensive experience in graphic design process from concept to production for still graphics and motion graphics

- Strong computer literacy in Macintosh or PC applications e.g. C4D, 3DS Max or Maya, After Effects, Photoshop and Illustrator

- Strong creative and graphic sense with deep interest in TV industry

- Good communication skills

- Able to work independently and meet tight deadlines

- Willing to work irregular hours

- Fresh graduates will be considered as Junior Graphic Designer

Want to be one of us?

We offer attractive & competitive salary and benefits, an exciting work environment and excellent career development opportunities. If you have the desire for an exciting and rewarding career, please send us your resume, stating your present and expected salary to now News / Business News Channel by email, fax or post.

Email: kevintang@nownews24.com

Fax: (852) 2511 9686

Post: 3/F., Telecom House, 3 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

For more information on other job opportunities of PCCW, please visit our website at


PCCW is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes applications from all qualified candidates. Information provided will be treated in strict confidence and will only be used for recruitment-related purposes. Personal data provided by job applicants will be used strictly in accordance with the employer’s privacy statement (
), a copy of which will be provided immediately upon request . 

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