Copilot 讀100+頁文件, 在 Word理解得 透徹? 還是在Edge 讀 .pdf 更清楚? 實例比較兩個模式 Copilot 答案


在測試各類可以提高辦公室效率的工具,我往往好少用他們提供的例子,或者用一些很簡化的資料去說明如何使用,因為日常辦公室應用的情況,很多資料都複雜,無論是 Word 文件或者Excel報表都會比較多,也基本上有一定的限制, 要先先理解公司本身應用的情況,資料來源,以及現在要閱讀的目的,和文件的對象是誰,不可以天馬行空,所以如果要發揮各類Generative AI,例如Copilot, 一定要用一些比較實際的例子去說明。今次我用了一份超過100頁的文件,同時匯出成為PDF檔案,分別在 Word 用 Copilot 去閱讀,或在 Edge Browser 中打開 Copilot 去閱讀 PDF 檔案, 看看那一個版本的Copilot可以更清楚回答到我七條問題,我分別把七條問題,以及在PDF和word文件中的答案以下列出,方便大家參考。

1. Summarise this document
2. What are the deliverables of software in this document
3. List me the action steps
4. List e the anywork about integration, and what is the requirement.
5. Any api provide to obtain the information source?
6. List me the Compliance with software management, configuration management, and quality assurance requirements for all systems described in the document.
7. What is the Formats of Deliverables in this document

1 Summarise this document
The document outlines the specifications for the *Provision of Visitors Information Display Panels* at all entrances and exits, detailing the scope, requirements, and technical characteristics for the project:
– **Scope of Work**: Involves design, manufacture, delivery, installation, testing, commissioning, and maintenance services for the display panels[^1^][1][^2^][2].
– **Functional Requirements**: Specifies general operations, software licensing, antivirus installation, and system failover mechanisms.
– **Technical Design**: Details the design life, operating environment, hardware unit replacement, and mounting requirements for the display panels.
– **Safety Management**: Includes safety classification, fitness for duty requirements, safety training, and system safety plan.

This summary covers the key aspects of Part 1 of the document.
Here’s a summary of the document:
Main ideas:
Assignment objective and scope: The document is a particular specification for the project of providing visitors information display panels on all entrance and exit of the light rail stops. It describes the scope of supply and services, the functional and performance requirements, the technical design characteristics, the safety management, the system assurance, the materials and workmanship, the spare parts, the installation, the testing and commissioning, the system cutover, the design process and submission requirements, the maintenance services, the product support, and the programme of the project.
Project deliverables and services: The project deliverables include 137 sets of 32” single-sided smart display panels, 5 sets of 32” double-sided smart display panels, 2 sets of servers, a central management system, all cablings, 2 sets of maintenance notebooks, and all necessary cabinets, connectors, mounting brackets, spare parts and components. The project services include installation, site survey, system design, installation design, testing and commissioning, document submission, training, reliability demonstration test, defects liability period, product support and maintenance services.

2 What are the deliverables of software in this document
The deliverables of software in this document include:
– **Software and Configuration**: Provision of all necessary software including operating systems, application programs, anti-virus program, and interface software.
– **Servers and CMS**: Installation of servers with associated archive storage system and Central Management System (CMS) with Multi-Modal Interfaces (MMIs).
– **Customised App**: Supply and installation of a customised Essential Info app for the Smart Display Panels[^1^][1].
– **Source Code and Documentation**: Provision of all source codes of the Delivered System, Configuration Item (CI) List, Software Licenses, and all original OEM disks[^2^][2].
– **Maintenance and Support**: Provision of maintenance notebooks, technical support, and operations and maintenance training courses.
According to the document: The deliverables of software in this document include libraries, source codes, configuration files, configuration and development tools, off-the-shelf software products, proprietary software, software development tools, programming guides, software keys, and valid lifetime site licenses for the operations, maintenance, and development of the Delivered System. 1 2 3 4


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